It is Sunday today. Have a relaxed and fun day with 3D printed toys.

1. 3D printed tiny toy car

David Sun who works at Iris International as senior mechanical engineer created this cute tiny toy car. The idea was to make a toy for his two-year old son. His job at work gives him access to a Objet Eden350 3D printer so this time he had some fun with the Objet printer. 

He draws the sketch from SolidWorks, and uses the Objet Studio to scale model design up and down. 

The result is that he printed a tiny car, a tinier car and a tiniest car. Even in the tiniest car from 1cm long the wheels are still functioning smoothly. 

Enjoy also the video clip below.

David takes advantages of inkjet-based 3D printer that it can jet both a 'build' material and a water-removable 'support' material at the same time, so it is possible to create tiny separate wheels and is kept apart and in place within the larger model by the support material.

Download the STL file here

Source: Objetblog

2. 3D printed iFling robot

I am smiling when I see the iFling playing with the ping pong ball with its throwing arm. It was just like a naughty kid. The radio-controlled robot pick up a ball by simply rolling over them and wedges it between the body and wheel. It can pick up as many as four. Then it throw a ball using precisely tuned arm-flipping algorithms. A printed circuit board is used to connect the electronics.

iFling v2 & v3 Improved.m4v:


This is another toy that is built with a 3D printer, it was created by the team at the Coordinated Robotics Lab at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). The idea of building up the iFling came from a 2003 final exam that students were so excited about the test of iFling that they would like to make a new prototype.

“We have explored (through three major design iterations) the miniaturization and simplification of our original iHop concept to form a (non-hopping) self-righting Segway dubbed iFling that can pick up and throw ping-pong balls (or swack them around, using the leg as a hockey stick)", says the lab on their site.

Tom Bewley, head of the Coordinated Robotics Lab did an interview about the interest the lab.  

 The videos below shows the old version of iFling prototype.  

 Via: Physorg 

 Source: UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab

Posted in 3D Print Applications

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