Mar.27, 2013

A sturdy, customizable 3D printer RigidBot is just launched on Kickstarter. Designed by Provo, UT based Michael Lundwall, RigidBot is customizable and fully expandable in the X, Y and Z directions to fit all your individual prototyping needs. "Using the injection molded plastic joints, you can adjust the size by swaping out the metal bars with longer or shorter ones." says Lundwall.

The design of RigidBot 3D Printer based off of the RepRap 3D printers and remains simple and clean. It uses Sanguinololu 1.3a electronics with a ATMEGA1284. The four axes (x, y, z and extruder) are powered by Pololu stepper drivers. Check the specs below:

You can buy RigidBot fully assembled or in kit form. With an step-by-step instructions you can assemble a RigidBot 3D printer in less than an hour. "The roller bearings simply snap into their respective components making it easy to assemble. The electronics are all pre-tested and ready to run. You just need to install them into their correct locations, add a few motors and hardware, and you are done! With a little calibration you are ready to print." According to Lundwall.

Here are some 3D printed samples:

Owl printed in wood - ABS - PLA

Coral Vase designed by Dizingof

Lamp Shade

For $325 you will receive a complete RigidBot 10"x10"x10" PLA Kit, including everything you need to make your 3D printer and 6' of PLA material. A fully assembled and calibrated RigidBot 10"x10"x10" will cost $399 (Early Bird Special).

RigidBot launched their Kickstarter campaign on March 26th 2013 and as of writing, RigidBot has reached 121% of its $31,500 funding goal, pledged by 90 backers. Check it out the details here and if you love it, be one of the first to take advantage of the early bird specials.



Posted in 3D Printers


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Toby wrote at 8/9/2015 5:19:01 PM:

Is there any limit to how much it can be expanded? And are there parts for sale to do so? wrote at 12/7/2013 12:16:57 AM:

At what size frame does weight of the printed become an issue for the motors on the central platform.

Rob Murray wrote at 12/7/2013 12:03:28 AM:

How would you go about expanding the printer to 20x20x20?

Ryan wrote at 4/2/2013 7:09:45 PM:

Great Product !! I love seeing all this Technology arising from KickStarter

JD90 wrote at 3/29/2013 1:46:17 AM:

I'm surprised they don't offer the SD card functionality, at least as an upgrade. I'm really I pressed with the Replicator2's structural rigidity, if I were designing a new kit, I would go that route even if it means sacrificing the upgrade ability of the frame. At that point, one might as well start fresh with a new kit anyway, since you need to change all your frame members, rods and belts anyway. The improved structure is worth it my opinion.

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